Be Inspired Scheme
- General Entrepreneurial information
- Marketing and Advertising
- Self-Development for business
- Financing for business and entrepreneurship
- Individual Game Engine Development
- Business Administration
- Licensing Source Code
Description of work
From August of 2020 - July of 2021 I undertook the Be Inspired scheme run by Staffordshire University. This was essentially my placement year where I undertook the world of entrepreneurship. I was supervised for creating Implode Games, my own games company. Supervision included business topics such as marketing, finance and general improvement of operations.
What I learned
I learned a lot of introspection about self-motivation for entrepreneurship which was heavily beneficial, it taught me all about the world of work and what is expected in terms of discipline and punctuality not only for business but for games programming, which was an insight needed and not expressed through any other means. This has changed my outlook and really matured my sense of work and programming